Waymark Gear Company is running another amazing giveaway to gift 1 of their fans with a brand new EVLV ULTRA 38L Ultralight Backpack. To enter in their latest EVLV ULTRA 38L Ultralight Backpack Giveaway grab your free entries by following few simple steps listed down below!
is an online outdoor gear company specializing in selling hand-crafted heavy-duty lightweight backpacks and accessories tailored to long distance hikers, section hikers, backpackers, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to drop pounds in their overall base weight. Our goal is to provide our customers with lighter pack options than those available in large retail stores. We may not make the lightest packs in the cottage brand industry, but we refuse to compromise your comfort or safety to shave a few ounces. Instead, we aim to have the best weight-to-durability ratio with a pack that will last you 2,000+ miles.
Within the Waymark Gear Co. line-up we have a range of packs from a daypack, to frameless ultralight packs, all the way up to larger capacity packs with internal frames. Our internal frame packs are lighter than traditional framed packs and allow hikers to immediately save 1-3 lbs of weight just in pack weight alone.
STEP 1 – Follow the link to a giveaway widget -> EVLV ULTRA 38L Ultralight Backpack Giveaway
STEP 2 – Log in to a giveaway widget with your Facebook, Twitter or email account.
STEP 3 – Finish the tasks listed in the widget to grab your free entries.
Bonus entries: No.
- Not known how a winner is going to be contacted, probably by email and announced in a giveaway widget shortly after the giveaway ends.
GIVEAWAY END: June 30th, 2022
1 x EVLV ULTRA 38L Backpack (approximate retail value 260 USD)
Good luck!